Children’s songs about the Cosmos
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Children’s songs about the Cosmos

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Under the name “Lyra” —a constellation of stars related to music— a group of education students who are also amateur musicians came together to create children’s astronomic songs, and thanks to the support of Fundación Astromanía and the ALMA Observatory, they were able to debut their first album.

“This project began as an assignment for the University, where we had to volunteer with a foundation. We contacted Astromanía, who was looking to reach a younger audience (1st to 3rd graders) and we felt that music was the best way to reach them,” says Valentina Rojas, one of the members of the band, along with María Paz and Bernardita Nassar, Francisca Soto and Margarita Castro.

With the help of musician friends and their instruments, they recorded the album “Cosmic”, which has a total of 8 songs with astronomic content, ranging from the Moon to Halley’s Comet. The song “8 brothers”, for example, characterizes each planet in the Solar System to help children learn their names and learn more about them. They also combine different styles of music —cueca, rap, etc.— to reach all audiences.

The songs were recorded in both Spanish and English, thanks to the support of the ALMA observatory who co-financed the production of the album to distribute the material free of charge through its website in both languages.

They joined ALMA and sang on Astronomy Day held on San Cristobal hill, and they hope to be invited to sing in schools for science festivals. They are on Youtube, Instagram and will soon be on Spotify.